
Categorised by 'ASP.NET'.

  • This is a relatively simple pagination that will only be shown if there are enough items of data to paginate through. The user will have the ability to paginate by either clicking on the "Previous" and "Next" links as well as clicking on the individual page numbers from within the pagination.

    I created a PaginationHelper.CreatePagination() method that carries out all the paging calculations and outputs the pagination as an unordered list. The method requires the following parameters:

    • currentPage - the current page number being viewed.
    • totalNumberOfRecords - the total count of records from your dataset in order to determine how many pages should be displayed.
    • pageRequest - the current request from by passing in "HttpContext.Request" to get the page URL.
    • noOfPageLinks - the number of page numbers that should be shown. For example "1, 2, 3, 4".
    • pageSize - the number of items will be shown per page.
    using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
    using System;
    using System.Text;
    namespace MyProject.Helpers
        public static class PaginationHelper
            /// <summary>
            /// Renders pagination used in listing pages.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="currentPage"></param>
            /// <param name="totalNumberOfRecords"></param>
            /// <param name="pageRequest">Current page request used to get the URL path of the page.</param>
            /// <param name="noOfPagesLinks">Number of pagination numbers to show.</param>
            /// <param name="pageSize"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public static string CreatePagination(int currentPage, int totalNumberOfRecords, HttpRequest pageRequest, int noOfPagesLinks = 5, int pageSize = 10)
                StringBuilder paginationHtml = new StringBuilder();
                // Only render the pagination markup if the total number of records is more than our page size.
                if (totalNumberOfRecords > pageSize)
                    #region Pagination Calculations
                    int amountOfPages = (int)(Math.Ceiling(totalNumberOfRecords / Convert.ToDecimal(pageSize)));
                    int startPage = currentPage;
                    if (startPage == 1 || startPage == 2 || amountOfPages < noOfPagesLinks)
                        startPage = 1;
                        startPage -= 2;
                    int maxPage = startPage + noOfPagesLinks;
                    if (amountOfPages < maxPage)
                        maxPage = Convert.ToInt32(amountOfPages) + 1;
                    if (maxPage - startPage != noOfPagesLinks && maxPage > noOfPagesLinks)
                        startPage = maxPage - noOfPagesLinks;
                    int previousPage = currentPage - 1;
                    if (previousPage < 1)
                        previousPage = 1;
                    int nextPage = currentPage + 1;
                    #region Get Current Path
                    // Get current path.
                    string path = pageRequest.Path.ToString();
                    int pos = path.LastIndexOf("/") + 1;
                    // Get last route value.
                    string lastRouteValue = path.Substring(pos, path.Length - pos).ToLower();
                    // Removes page number from end of path if path contains a page number.
                    if (lastRouteValue.StartsWith("page"))
                        path = path.Substring(0, path.LastIndexOf('/'));
                    if (currentPage > 1)
                        paginationHtml.Append($"<li><a href=\"{path}/Page{previousPage}\"><span>Previous page</span></a></li>");
                    for (int i = startPage; i < maxPage; i++)
                        // If the current page equals one of the pagination numbers, set active state.
                        if (i == currentPage)
                            paginationHtml.Append($"<li><a href=\"{path}/Page{i}\" class=\"is-active\"><span>{i}</span></a></li>");
                            paginationHtml.Append($"<li><a href=\"{path}/Page{i}\"><span>{i}</span></a></li>");
                    if (startPage + noOfPagesLinks < amountOfPages && maxPage > noOfPagesLinks || currentPage < amountOfPages)
                        paginationHtml.Append($"<li><a href=\"{path}/Page{nextPage}\"><span>Next page</span></a></li>");
                    return paginationHtml.ToString();
                    return string.Empty;

    The PaginationHelper.CreatePagination() method can then be used inside a controller where you would like to list your data as well as render the pagination. A simple example of this would be as follows:

    /// <summary>
    /// List all news articles.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="page"></param> 
    /// <param name="pageSize"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public ActionResult Index(int page = 1, int pageSize = 10)
        // Number of articles to skip.
        int skip = 0;
        if (page != 1)
            skip = (page - 1) * pageSize;
        // Get list of articles from my datasource.
        List<NewsArticle> articles = MyData.GetArticles().Skip(skip).Take(pageSize).ToList();
        //Render Pagination.
        ViewBag.PaginationHtml = PaginationHelper.CreatePagination(page, articles.Count, HttpContext.Request, pageSize: pageSize);
        return View(articles);

    The pagination will be output to a ViewBag that can be called from within your view. I could have gone down a different route and developed Partial View along with the appropriate model. But for my use the method approach offers most flexibility, as I could have the option to either use this from within a controller or view.

  • For a site I'm working on, the Facebook's Comments plugin is being utilised on all our article pages. There was a requirement to pull in the latest comments in a listing page for each of these article pages as well as number of comments. Facebook's JavaScript library provides the ability to display a comments counter but not the ability to pull out x number of comments. So we'll have to go server-side and use Graph API to get the data we want.

    In this post, I will show you how you can get back all comments for a page by it's full URL.


    Before we get into the main C# logic methods, you need to make sure we have a few things in place:

    • ApiWebRequestHelper Class
    • Newtonsoft Json
    • Facebook App Settings
    • Class Objects

    ApiWebRequestHelper Class

    Whenever I am making a call to Facebook's Graph API endpoints, I will be making references to a "ApiWebRequestHelper" helper class. This is something I developed last month to make it easier for me to deserialize XML or JSON requests to a strongly-typed class object. You can take a look at the full code here.

    Newtonsoft Json

    The Newtonsoft Json library is a key ingredient to any JSON web requests. I'd be surprised if you've never heard or used it. :-) Nevertheless, you can get it here:

    Facebook App Settings

    I haven't created a Facebook App for quite some time and things have changed very slightly in terms of the interface and options presented. The key things you need to get out of your created App is:

    • Application ID
    • Application Secret
    • Client Token

    I set the security settings with the following modes, which can be found in Settings > Advanced >  Security.

    Facebook App Advanced API Settings

    Class Objects

    The following class objects will be used to deserialize Graph API requests into class objects.

    The FacebookPageInfo, FacebookPage and FacebookPageShare objects will get the core information about the queried page, such as the Title and Description, as well as the comments and share counts.

    namespace Site.BusinessObjects.Facebook
        public class FacebookPageInfo
            public string Id { get; set; }
            public FacebookPage Page { get; set; }
            public FacebookPageShare Share { get; set; }
        public class FacebookPage
            public string Id { get; set; }
            public string Description { get; set; }
            public string Title { get; set; }
            public string Type { get; set; }
            public DateTime UpdatedTime { get; set; }
            public string Url { get; set; }
    namespace Site.BusinessObjects.Facebook
        public class FacebookPageShare
            public int CommentCount { get; set; }
            public int ShareCount { get; set; }

    All comments for a page will be stored in the following objects:

    namespace Site.BusinessObjects.Facebook
        public class FacebookPageCommentInfo
            public int TotalComments { get; set; }
            public List<FacebookCommentItem> Comments { get; set; }
    namespace Site.BusinessObjects.Facebook
        public class FacebookCommentItem
            public string Id { get; set; }
            public DateTime CreatedTime { get; set; }
            public FacebookCommentFrom From { get; set; }
            public string Message { get; set; }
        public class FacebookCommentFrom
            public string Id { get; set; }
            public string Name { get; set; }

    Facebook Logic Class

    Now that we have the pre-requisites in place, lets get to the code that will perform the required functions:

    namespace Site.BusinessLogic
        public class FacebookLogic
            private string _accessToken;
            /// <summary>
            /// Uses default Client ID and Secret as set in the web.config.
            /// </summary>
            public FacebookLogic()
                GetAccessToken(Config.Facebook.ClientId, Config.Facebook.ClientSecret);
            /// <summary>
            /// Requires  Client ID and Secret.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="clientId"></param>
            /// <param name="clientSecret"></param>
            public FacebookLogic(string clientId, string clientSecret)
                GetAccessToken(clientId, clientSecret);
            /// <summary>
            /// Gets page info that has been shared to Facebook.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="pageUrl"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public FacebookPageInfo GetPage(string pageUrl)
                return ApiWebRequestHelper.GetJsonRequest<FacebookPageInfo>($"{pageUrl}?access_token={_accessToken}");
            /// <summary>
            /// Gets comments for a page based on its absolute URL.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="pageUrl"></param>
            /// <param name="maxComments"></param>
            public FacebookPageCommentInfo GetPageComments(string pageUrl, int maxComments)
                    // Get page information in order to retrieve page ID to pass to commenting.
                    FacebookPageInfo facebookPage = GetPage(pageUrl);
                    if (facebookPage.Page != null)
                        return new FacebookPageCommentInfo
                            TotalComments = facebookPage.Share.CommentCount,
                            Comments = GetCommentsByPageId(facebookPage.Page.Id, maxComments).Comments
                        return null;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // NOTE: Log exception here...
                    return null;
            /// <summary>
            /// Gets comments by Facebook's Page ID.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="fbPageId"></param>
            /// <param name="max"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public FacebookCommentInfo GetCommentsByPageId(string fbPageId, int max = 10)
                return ApiWebRequestHelper.GetJsonRequest<FacebookCommentInfo>($"{fbPageId}&access_token={_accessToken}&limit={max}");
            /// <summary>
            /// Retrieves Access Token from Facebook App.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="clientId"></param>
            /// <param name="clientSecret"></param>
            private void GetAccessToken(string clientId, string clientSecret)
                UriBuilder builder = new UriBuilder($"{Config.Facebook.ClientId}&client_secret={Config.Facebook.ClientSecret}&grant_type=client_credentials");
                    using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
                        // Get Access Token from incoming response.
                        string data = client.DownloadString(builder.Uri);
                        NameValueCollection parsedQueryString = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(data);
                        _accessToken = parsedQueryString["access_token"];
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // NOTE: Log exception here...

    By default, on initiation of the FacebookLogic class, the Application ID and Secret values will be inherited from the web.config, or you can pass in these values directly with the class overload parameters.

    Out of all the methods used here, we're interested in only using one: GetPageComments(). What you will notice from this method is that we cannot get the comments from one API call alone. We first have to make an extra API call to get the ID of the page. This ID is passed to the GetCommentsByPageId() method, to return all comments.


    Comments for a page can be returned by adding the following in your code, where you will then be able to access properties to iterate through the comments:

    FacebookLogic fbl = new FacebookLogic();
    // Pass in the page URL and number of comments to be returned.
    var pageComments = fbl.GetPageComments("", 2);

    Whenever you call this piece of code, I would make sure you cache the results for 5 - 10 minutes, so you do not use up your API request limits.

  • I have created a helper class that will allow me to consume any XML or JSON request for deserialization into a class object. As you can see from the code below, the GetJsonRequest() and GetXmlRequest() methods allow you to pass an unknown type as well as the URL to where you are getting your request from. This makes things very straight-forward when you want to easily strongly type the data.

    public class ApiWebRequestHelper
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a request from an external JSON formatted API and returns a deserialized object of data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="requestUrl"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static T GetJsonRequest<T>(string requestUrl)
                WebRequest apiRequest = WebRequest.Create(requestUrl);
                HttpWebResponse apiResponse = (HttpWebResponse)apiRequest.GetResponse();
                if (apiResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    string jsonOutput;
                    using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(apiResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                        jsonOutput = sr.ReadToEnd();
                    var jsResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(jsonOutput);
                    if (jsResult != null)
                        return jsResult;
                        return default(T);
                    return default(T);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Log error here.
                return default(T);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a request from an external XML formatted API and returns a deserialized object of data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="requestUrl"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static T GetXmlRequest<T>(string requestUrl)
                WebRequest apiRequest = WebRequest.Create(requestUrl);
                HttpWebResponse apiResponse = (HttpWebResponse)apiRequest.GetResponse();
                if (apiResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    string xmlOutput;
                    using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(apiResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                        xmlOutput = sr.ReadToEnd();
                    XmlSerializer xmlSerialize = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T));
                    var xmlResult = (T)xmlSerialize.Deserialize(new StringReader(xmlOutput));
                    if (xmlResult != null)
                        return xmlResult;
                        return default(T);
                    return default(T);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Log error here.
                return default(T);

    The ApiWebRequestHelper class relies on the following namespaces:

    • Newtonsoft Json
    • System.Xml.Serialization
    • ​​System.IO;

    The ApiWebRequestHelper can be used in the following way:

    // Get Json Request
    // Get XML Request
  • ReactJSI've been meddling around with ReactJS over the last week or so, seeing if this is something viable to use for future client projects. I am always constantly on the lookout to whether there are better alternatives on how my fellow developers and I develop our sites.

    Throughout the sample applications I've been building, I constantly asked myself one question: Why Would I Use ReactJS In My Day To Day Development? I am ASP.NET developer who build websites either using Web Forms or MVC Razor. So I am finding it difficult to comprehend whether using ReactJS is viable in these frameworks, especially MVC.

    ReactJS is primarily a view framework where you have the ability to write component-based web applications directly into your JavaScript that then gets output to the DOM virtually - making for a very fast and responsive webpage. It's a different approach to developing websites that I quite like. But for the moment, I just don't see how it can benefit me when the full MVC framework does a pretty good job with all the bells and whistles.

    For example, I segregate all my key HTML markup into partial views in order to increase re-use throughout my web application, which works really well when making AJAX calls where the markup needs to be displayed on the page asynchronously as well as server-side. I can just see by implementing ReactJS, I will be duplicating this process at JavaScript and CSHTML level if a markup change ever needed to be made. If partial views does the job effectively, I'm not too sure the need for ReactJS in my future ASP.NET MVC creations.

    Don't get me wrong - I really like ReactJS. It makes writing JavaScript an even more enjoyable experience purely due to the JSX syntax. Long gone are the days where you have to concatenate strings to form HTML. More importantly, it's readable and truly scalable.

    Unfortunately, it doesn't look like ReactJS is a viable option for me at this moment in time. I can see how it would be a very useful framework for building web applications where there is a requirement for the view to be created strictly client-side along with heavy use of AJAX calls from an API layer to serve data to your application. But in situations where you have two frameworks that provide the ability to create views, in this case ReactJS and ASP.NET MVC, it doesn't make sense.

    I could be talking absolute nonsense and missing the whole point. If this is the case (most likely!), please leave a comment.

  • I've just completed working on a site that required PayPal integration to carry out credit card payments, using PayPal's REST API interface. I did find some aspects of the implementing PayPal's REST API a little confusing and there seemed to be a blurred line on what is the best approach. This is probably due to the vast number of .NET examples provided in PayPal's own Github repository.

    I decided to create my own PayPal REST API .NET Starter kit, by combining my own efforts together with PayPal documentation and code examples from other developers online. Feel free to fork it from my Bitbucket repository:

    The PayPal REST API .NET Starter kit contains everything you need to make a start in making your first card payment. It encompasses a very basic form to enter test transactions, as well as the following Nuget package references:

    • log4net
    • Newtonsoft.Json
    • PayPalCoreSDK
    • RestApiSDK

    All you'll need to do is create is a PayPal Client ID and Secret, build the solution and away you go. Every time you make a transaction, a "PaypalPayment" object is returned, containing useful information to be used at application level if the payment was a success and if not, the full error information.

    A successful transaction will generate the following invoice to the user's PayPal account:

    PayPal Invoice Sample

    I am using my PayPal Starter kit as a foundation to build upon if I ever get the opportunity to develop more features, such as refunds.

    Feel free to modify my code and (even better!) add more features.

  • Web Configuration Snippet When working on large projects whether it be websites or software applications, I like to try and make sure that settings from within my app/web configuration files are not only easily accessible within code, but also maintainable for future updates.

    Over the years, I have tried different approaches in an attempt to streamline how I use ASP.NET's configuration files within my day-to-day development and this is what I currently do.

    Group and Alphabetise

    I have started to sort all my settings alphabetically and group common functions/settings together. This alone makes navigating through a large configuration file much more easier.

    In addition, having a standard in-house development style and agreeing with your fellow developers how sections within the configuration file is expected to be structured can be useful. For example, on web projects I've worked on, all key sections are  sorted in the following order:

    1. configSections
    2. appSettings
    3. connectionStrings
    4. system.web
    5. customErrors
    6. system.webServer
    7. locations

    Common Naming Conventions

    I like to name my appsettings in the following format: "<Setting-Group>.<Name>". So if I were to add appsettings that related to Twitter, it would look something as the following:

    <add key="Twitter.ApiUrl" value="" />
    <add key="Twitter.ApiKey" value="" />
    <add key="Twitter.ApiSecret" value="" />
    <add key="Twitter.AccessToken" value="" />
    <add key="Twitter.AccessTokenSecret" value="" />
    <add key="Twitter.Username" value="shomra" />

    This provides a simple and descriptive approach to breaking down all settings into manageable chunks.

    Strongly-Type AppSettings

    One thing that truly annoyed me when I first started .NET development is calling configuration values from within C# code. Not only did you have to write out (the very long-winded!) "ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Twitter.Username"]", but also cast the value to a specific type.

    Using the "ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[]" call is awful. It creates the potential for typo's that aren't caught by the compiler and there's no nice intellisense to make our coding easier.

    I create a static configuration wrapper class to strongly-type all my config settings. The way I name my settings (as you can see from the "Common Naming Conventions" section) compliments the structure of my wrapper class.

    public class Config
        public static class Social
            #region Twitter
            public static class Twitter
                public static string TwitterApiUrl
                        return ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Twitter.ApiUrl"];
                public static string TwitterUsername
                        return ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Twitter.Username"];
                public static string TwitterApiKey
                        return ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Twitter.ApiKey"];
                public static string TwitterApiSecret
                        return ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Twitter.ApiSecret"];
                public static string TwitterAccessToken
                        return ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Twitter.AccessToken"];
                public static string TwitterAccessTokenSecret
                        return ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Twitter.AccessTokenSecret"];

    Admittingly, this can be quite time-consuming but when compared to the long-term benefits this has saved me a lot of headache.

    What Else Could Be Done?

    I've seen some developers use Applications Settings Architecture within the .NET framework when building Windows applications by creating a "Settings" file within the project.

    The only downside I can see with this approach is that all config values declared within the "Settings" file will be compiled at runtime and you lose the flexibility to change configuration values externally. Here's a nice StackOverflow post that describes this method in greater detail.

    If any of you readers have further suggestions or advice, I am all ears! :-)

    The Future...

    As Nick Dyer quite rightly pointed out to me yesterday on Google+, that our beloved web.config file will no longer form part of the applications we create in ASP.NET 5. We will have the freedom to create an applications configuration the way we want, simplifying the whole process.

    As I understand, there will be support for creating configuration inputs that can be placed inside JSON, XML and INI files using the new IConfiguration and ConfigurationModel sources.

    Sounds very promising.

  • A while ago, I wrote a post that showed how you would Render a Partial View As A String. But what if you had a Partial View and wanted to output its action to a string?

    Just like the majority of all other coding problems I encounter, StackOverflow always has the answer. In this case, a clever guy posted this piece of code:

    var sw = new StringWriter();
    PartialViewResult result = Email("Subject", "Body");
    result.View = ViewEngines.Engines.FindPartialView(ControllerContext, "Email").View;
    ViewContext vc = new ViewContext(ControllerContext, result.View, result.ViewData, result.TempData, sw);
    result.View.Render(vc, sw);
    var html = sw.GetStringBuilder().ToString();

    Works well enough. However, I didn't like the thought of having to add all this code inside my controller, especially when I have to output many Partial View actions to a string. So I created an extension method:

    /// <summary>
    /// Renders a Partial View Action to string.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="controller">Controller to extend</param>
    /// <param name="partialView">PartialView to render</param>
    /// <param name="partialViewName">Name of Partial View</param>
    /// <returns>Renders Partial View as a string</returns>
    public static string RenderActionToString(this Controller controller, PartialViewResult partialView, string partialViewName)
        using (var sw = new StringWriter())
            partialView.View = ViewEngines.Engines.FindPartialView(controller.ControllerContext, partialViewName).View;
            ViewContext vc = new ViewContext(controller.ControllerContext, partialView.View, partialView.ViewData,
                partialView.TempData, sw);
            partialView.View.Render(vc, sw);
            return sw.GetStringBuilder().ToString();

    This extension method can be used in the following way:

    //Access PollController class.
    PollController pc = new PollController();
    //Get the LatestPoll PartialView action and output to string.
    string myPartialView = this.RenderActionToString(pc.LatestPoll(), "../Poll/_LatestPoll");

    Much cleaner!

  • After quite a successful stint in creating some really amazing websites using MVC Razor 5, I had to revert back to working in the world of Web Forms for a new client project. Now I have to deal with .NET web controls, Postbacks and Viewstates.

    When creating a few simple forms consisting of some drop down lists, textboxes and textareas, I noticed wherever I set a "MaxLength" property it would not work. A character limit on my input field would just be ignored in all browsers. I could only replicate this bug when the Max Length property is used alongside the "TextMode" property.

    There were various places where I had the "TextMode" property set to either "Number" or "MultiLine". Soon as this was removed, the value set in "MaxLength" would work.

    How very odd...

    Thankfully, I am not the only person to experience the same issue. Currently, the only way to get around this problem is to add the following JavaScript code (slightly refactored for my own implementation) to check the character length "onKeyDown".

    var ASPNETForm = {
        "CheckTextAreaLength": function(textBox, e, length) {
            var mLen = textBox["MaxLength"];
            if (null == mLen)
                mLen = length;
            var maxLength = parseInt(mLen);
            if (!ASPNETForm.CheckSpecialKeys(e)) {
                if (textBox.value.length > maxLength - 1) {
                    if (window.event) { //IE
                        e.returnValue = false;
                        return false;
                    else //Firefox
        "CheckSpecialKeys": function(e) {
            if (e.keyCode != 8 && e.keyCode != 46 && e.keyCode != 35 && e.keyCode != 36 && e.keyCode != 37 && e.keyCode != 38 && e.keyCode != 39 && e.keyCode != 40)
                return false;
                return true;

    Add to your ASP.NET TextBox control as so:

    <asp:textbox id="Instructions" MaxLength="50" onkeydown="return ASPNETForm.CheckTextAreaLength(this,event,'50');" runat="server" textmode="MultiLine">

    I am hoping there will be a more elegant solution in ASP.NET 5, or even better, a fix. This problem has been lurking around since 2009!

  • Changing the contents of a robots.txt file when a site is moved from staging to a live environment is quite a manual and somewhat cumbersome process. I sometimes have the fear of forgetting to replace the "Disallow: /" line with correct indexable entries required for the website.

    To give me one less thing to remember during my pre-live deployments, all my current and upcoming ASP.NET MVC sites will use a dynamic robots.txt file containing different entries depending on whether a site is in stage or live. In order to do this, we need to let the ASP.NET MVC application serve up the robots.txt file. This can be done by the following:

    • Create a new controller called "SEOController"
    • Add a new FileContentResult action called "Robots".
    • Add a new route.
    • Modify web.config.


    I have created a new controller that renders our "Robots" action as a plain text file. As you can see, my controller is not a type of "ActionResult" but a "FileContentResult". The great thing about "FileContentResult" is that it allows us to return bytes from the controller.

    In this example, I am converting bytes from a string using Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes() method. Ideal for what we need to generate a robots.txt file.

    public FileContentResult Robots()
        StringBuilder robotsEntries = new StringBuilder();
        robotsEntries.AppendLine("User-agent: *");
        //If the website is in debug mode, then set the robots.txt file to not index the site.
        if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.IsDebuggingEnabled)
            robotsEntries.AppendLine("Disallow: /");
            robotsEntries.AppendLine("Disallow: /Error");
            robotsEntries.AppendLine("Disallow: /resources");
        return File(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(robotsEntries.ToString()), "text/plain");


    Since I add my routing at controller level, I add the "MapMvcAttributeRoutes" method to the RouteConfig.cs file. But if you prefer to add your routes directly here, then this method can be removed.

    public class RouteConfig
        public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
            routes.MapMvcAttributeRoutes(); //Add this line!
                name: "Default",
                url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
                defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }


    Add a "runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests" attribute to the modules tag in the web.config file to allow our robot.txt text file to be rendered by ASP.NET.

      <modules runallmanagedmodulesforallrequests="true"></modules>
  • When running my website through Google Page Insights, one of things I didn't do was cache static content, such as CSS, JavaScript and site images. Since I am on a shared hosting plan, I didn't think it was possible to have the option to cache a specific directory without direct IIS access.

    Normally, when working on client sites hosted on a dedicated server, I set the cache header within "HTTP Response Headers" area in IIS. But all this actually does is generate a web.config file within the directory you wish to cache:

    <!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
                    <add name="Cache-Control" value="public, max-age=604800" />

    So if you too are on shared hosting, add a web.config file with similar settings. In this case, I have cached my files for a week.

    You can also set the cache settings in your main web.config file by wrapping a location path around the <system.webServer> node:

    <location path="resources">
                    <add name="Cache-Control" value="public, max-age=604800" />