If you’re seeing this post, then this means I have fully made the transition to a static-generated website architecture using GatsbyJS. I started this process late December last year but then started taking it seriously into the new year. It’s been a learning process getting to grips with a new framework as well as a big jump for me and my site.
Why has it been a big jump?
Everything is static. I have downsized my website footprint exponentially. All 250+ blog posts have been migrated into markdown files, so from now on, I will be writing in markdown and (with the help of Netlify) pushing new content by a simple git commit. Until now, I have always had a website that used server-side frameworks that stored all my posts in a database. It’s quite scary moving to a framework that feels quite unnatural to how I would normally build sites and the word “static” when used in relation to a website reminds me of a bygone era.
Process of Moving To Netlify
I was pleasantly surprised by how easy the transition to Netlify was. There is a vast amount of resources available that makes for good reading before making the switch to live. After linking my website Bitbucket repository to a site, the only things left to do to make it live were the following:
- Upload a
file, listing out any redirects you require Netlify to handle. For GatsbyJS sites, this will need to be added to the /static directory. - Setup Environment variables to allow the application to easily switch between development and production states. For example, my robots.txt is set to be indexable when only in production mode.
- Add CNAME records to your existing domain that point to your Netlify domain. For example, surindersite.netlify.com.
- Issue a free Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate, which is easily done within the account Domain settings.
Post live, the only thing that stumped me was the Netlify domain didn’t automatically redirect to my custom domain. This is something I thought Netlify would automatically handle once the domain records were updated. To get around this, an explicit domain 301 redirect needs to be added to your _redirects
# Domain Redirect
https://surinderbhomra.netlify.com/* https://www.surinderbhomra.com/:splat 301!
New Publishing Process
Before making the switchover, I had to carry out some practice runs on how I would be updating my website just to be sure I could live with the new way of adding content. The process is now the following:
- Use “content/posts” branch to add a new blog post.
- Create a new .md file that consists of the date and slug. In my case, all my markdown files are named "2010-04-02---My-New-Post.md".
- Ensure all categories and tags in the markdown frontmatter is named correctly. This is an important step to ensure no unnecessary new categories or tags are created.
- Add any images used in the post to the site. The images should reference Imagekit.io.
- Check over the post locally.
- Push to master branch and let Netlify carry out the rest.
Out of all the steps, I have only found steps 3 and 4 to require a little effort when compared to using a CMS platform, as previously, I could select from a predefined list of categories and upload images directly. Not a deal-breaker.
Next Steps
I had a tight deadline to ensure I made the move to Netlify before my current hosting renews for another year and still have quite a bit of improvement to make. Have you seen my Google Lighthouse score!?! It’s shockingly bad due to using the same HTML markup and CSS from my old site. I focused my efforts cramming in all the functionality to mimic how my site used to work and efficiencies in keeping build times to Netlify low.
First thing on the list - rebuild website templates from the ground up.