For a news site I am currently working on, I needed to display the last time a news article was last published. I wanted to be able to show the duration based on respective major time format. For example, if an article was displayed a couple hours ago, I would want it to to display “2 hours” not “120 minutes”.
More importantly, if an article hadn’t been published to the site more than a week, I don’t want the exact time duration to be displayed. I would prefer the following message: “more than a week ago”. This way, if the site administrator gets really lazy the website viewer will not know the exact time period the site was last updated.
public class TimePassed
public static string GetPassedTime(DateTime since)
TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now.Subtract(since);
if (ts.Days <= 7)
switch (ts.Days)
case 0:
switch (ts.Hours)
case 0:
switch (ts.Minutes)
case 0:
return String.Format("{0} seconds ago", ts.Seconds);
case 1:
return "1 minute ago";
return String.Format("{0} minutes ago", ts.Minutes);
case 1:
return "1 hour ago";
return String.Format("{0} hours ago", ts.Hours);
case 1:
return "yesterday";
return String.Format("{0} days ago", ts.Days);
return "more than a week ago";