
Categorised by 'CMS'.

  • Generally, all Content Management Systems are tightly integrated into the websites they control to serve one key function: publish custom content. Almost as one singular entity. From the moment you choose a CMS, you shall be forever locked down by its required platform and technology.

    So in terms of the CMS world, nothing revolutionary has happened to change our perception otherwise...until now...

    I have been doing some research into some content management systems that sits externally from a platform (such as a website), giving you freedom to manage the content however you like and it something that's gaining a lot of traction. I am starting to see why.  In fact, I'm in the middle of building a site using one of these "externally" managed CMS platforms.

    I would say the the main market players are Contentful and Prismic. They both are very similar in the features they provide and do a great job in delivering content to a platform of your choice through simply querying their native API's to return a nice JSON feed. So from a development perspective, they're both just as easy to integrate as each another and the deciding factors on the one you choose will primarily be:

    • Price
    • Ease of use
    • Editor features

    Based on these factors alone, I found Prismic to be the ideal candidate to fulfill my clients needs and adding content was a pleasure. It probably has the nicest interface I've seen in a long time. Very quick, easy and has something Contentful didn't have: a nice WYSIWYG editor. The markdown editor alone in Contentful was a deal breaker and I feared it would add an additional learning curve for non-technical clients.

    The only strange thing I noticed about Prismic was that you cannot add any form of validation or set a field to be required. Hopefully, this is something they will add to future releases. When you have other great features like an easy image upload to Amazon Cloud for resizing and cropping, having no validation isn't all that important. :-)

    I am already more than halfway through my first Prismic managed website and the implementation couldn't be easier with the help of their forum and starter projects in the technology of your choice.

    One of the fears I did have whilst implementing Prismic was how well will my pages load on high demand, especially when the content itself is external from the website. Would there be issues or delays in sending content to my platform? I guess this question is still yet to be answered. So far, the page speed has been better than expected (based on initial testing).

    Prismic in a nutshell (stolen from their website): is a developer friendly, API-based approach to CMS. It features a Writing Room for content writers to author, manage and store content, and a Content Query API for developers to integrate managed content. Your content doesn't live "in a website / in websites", your project doesn't live "in a CMS"; rather, your content lives in one place and is shared across your websites, and your project lives absolutely anywhere you want.

  • Over the last few projects I've been working on, I started to notice that clients are requiring increased integration with social platforms that give them the ability to display key elements from well known social platforms, such as YouTube, Twitter and Instagram. Hence the reason why in the past I created a YouTube Form Control that would easily retrieve all information information about a video along with their screen caps by simply entering the YouTube URL.

    Recently, I've been working on two more form controls involving Twitter and Instagram to further enhance social platform integration within Kentico from a user standpoint, which (I think) is quite neat!


    Using a combination of OAuth and Twitter'sGET statuses/show/:id API endpoint, I was able to store within Kentico all JSON data relating to a tweet by just entering the ID. One major advantage to storing JSON data is that we can display the tweet as many times as we want throughout the site without worrying about breaching API limits.

    In addition, individual elements of a tweet, such as the embedded image, hash tags and author information can be used when required.

    Tweet Custom Form Control

    As you can see (above), I am using Twitter's Embedded Tweet plugin to display the tweet in a nice graphical representation so that the site administrator is able to view contents of the tweet prior to publishing live.


    Like the Twitter control above, details of an Instagram image is retrieved in a similar fashion, whereby I'm storing all the details in JSON format.  In this case, I'm using a combination of two Instagram API endpoint's:

    • /oembed - to get the core information of an image by passing in the full URL of where the image resides. This will return important piece of information: the true ID of the image.
    • /media/media-id - to get all information about the media or video object. This information will be stored in Kentico.

    Unlike Twitter, Instagram's API is a breeze to implement. There are no API limits (at time of writing) and all you need to access the endpoints is to generate a one time only access token.

    Instagram Custom Form Control

    By copying and pasting the link of an Instagram image will return all object information and display the image/video within CMS Desk.

    I will at some point write a blog post on how I created these two controls once I have refactored all the code into one single control. At the moment, some key functionality is segregated into separate class libraries.

  • Published on
    1 min read

    Kentico Certified Developer

    A couple days ago I passed my Kentico exam. If anything, I think I've learnt more about Kentico and just how much the platform has to offer. The exam is filled with a wide range of questions from the very simple and straight-forward to the ones that require a more time for deep thought.

    In fact, I found the first few set of questions so simple, it got me second guessing myself. I'll admit, I found the exam a little tricky and there are some questions you have to read very carefully, especially ones around K# syntax.

    I dedicate this certification to all the awesome guys at Syndicut. I seriously couldn't have done it without them.

    I guess I can now display this:

    Kentico Certified Developer Logo

  • I had a need to have the ability to select a folder from within the site's media library. Not a file. A folder. The idea behind this requirement was to allow the site administrator to upload a bunch of images to a single directory in the media library, so that the contents (in this case images) could be output to the page.

    Unfortunately, after contacting Kentico support, I was told that such a folder selector control does not exist and I would need to create one myself. So I did exactly that!

    Step 1: Create A New User Control

    I have created a user control in "/CMSFormControls/Surinder/" of my Kentico installation. I have named the user control: FolderSelector.ascx.


                <td class="EditingFormValueCell">
                    <asp:TreeView ID="MediaLibraryTree" SelectedNodeStyle-BackColor="LightGray" ExpandDepth="0" ImageSet="Arrows" runat="server"></asp:TreeView>


    using CMS.CMSHelper;
    using CMS.FormControls;
    using CMS.GlobalHelper;
    using CMS.MediaLibrary;
    using CMS.SettingsProvider;
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Web.Script.Serialization;
    using System.Web.UI;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
    public partial class CMSFormControls_iSurinder_FolderSelector : FormEngineUserControl
        private string _Value;
        public override Object Value
                return MediaLibraryTree.SelectedValue;
                _Value = System.Convert.ToString(value);
        public string MediaLibraryPath
                //Get filter where condition format or default format
                return DataHelper.GetNotEmpty(GetValue("MediaLibraryPath"), String.Empty);
                SetValue("MediaLibraryPath", value);
        public override bool IsValid()
            bool isControlValid = true;
            if ((FieldInfo != null) && !FieldInfo.AllowEmpty)
                this.ValidationError = "Please select an Image Gallery directory";
                isControlValid = false;
            return isControlValid;
        protected void EnsureItems()
            if (MediaLibraryPath != String.Empty)
                string fullPath = Server.MapPath(String.Format("/{0}", MediaLibraryPath));
                if (Directory.Exists(fullPath))
                    DirectoryInfo rootDir = new DirectoryInfo(fullPath);
                    TreeNode treeNodes = OutputDirectories(rootDir, null);
                    this.ValidationError = "Directory path does not exist.";
                this.ValidationError = "Properties for this control have not been set.";
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
        TreeNode OutputDirectories(DirectoryInfo directory, TreeNode parentNode)
            if (directory == null)
                return null;
            //Create a node for directory
            TreeNode dirNode = new TreeNode(directory.Name, directory.FullName);
            //Get subdirectories of the current directory
            DirectoryInfo[] subDirectories = directory.GetDirectories();
            //Mark node as selected
            if (dirNode.Value == _Value.ToString())
                dirNode.Selected = true;
            //Get all subdirectories
            for (int d = 0; d < subDirectories.Length; d++)
                OutputDirectories(subDirectories[d], dirNode);
            //If the parent node is null, return this node
            //otherwise add this node to the parent and return the parent
            if (parentNode == null)
                return dirNode;
                return parentNode;

    I'm hoping that the code I've shown above is quite self-explanatory. But the only thing you need to be aware of is the "MediaLibraryPath" public property. You will see in the next steps that we will be using this property to contain a link to where our Media Library resides.

    Step 2: Add New Control To Kentico

    When creating a custom form control in Kentico, ensure we have the following form control settings:

    Kentico Folder Selector Settings

    Step 3: Add Form Control Property

    Remember, from Step 1, we had a property called "MediaLibraryPath". Now we just need to create this property in our custom control settings.

    Kentico Folder Selector Settings

    Now, when our Folder Selector control is added to a document, we will need enter a map path to the location of our Media Library. For example, "/Surinder/media/Surinder/".

    If this custom control has been implemented successfully, you should see something like this when creating a new page based on a document type:

    Kentico Folder Selector Tree

  • As of late, I've been attempting to expand my .NET web application development skills by learning MVC and now have the understanding on how it all works. By Jove, I think I’ve got it!

    After building a few small custom websites, I decided to utilise what I've learnt and start building a Kentico site in MVC. Ever since Kentico supported MVC Razor, I've been itching to try it out.

    The main drive to build a Kentico site in MVC for me has been the ability to easily build a complex site by separating an application into the model, the view, and the controller to give me a lot more control over how I want the application to be built. But the best part has to be the clean unadulterated HTML mark up that rendered on the page!

    I think the mark of a good web developer is based on not only how clean their HTML markup is but also (more importantly) their programming skills. But when visiting sites, we only get exposure to the HTML markup. Unfortunately, there's only so far you can go in cleaning the markup when building a site using Web Forms. Even with View state completely disabled and selectively using .NET controls the output can still be quite mucky.

    As a web developer, whenever I visit a site that interests me from a technical level, I often look at the HTML mark up just to see how clean it is. I'm always intrigued to see if a site that looks and functions great is built just as well as it looks.

    But I digress...

    Kentico's support for MVC is definitely impressive. I felt quite at home when moving from a custom MVC web build to a Kentico build. Of course, there are some differences in terms of where your Models, Views and Controllers reside within the file structure of your website.

    If you plan on building a Kentico site using MVC, take a look at this post by Martin Hejtmanek who gives a basic overview on the steps required to get you up and running.

    From what I have built so far, I haven't noticed any limitations in the MVC framework. Just workarounds are required for some features (which I'll detail in future blog posts).

    Question Raised...

    As much as I like having the option of building an MVC site in Kentico, I ask myself the question: In reality, how many sites I build will actually be in MVC?

    The reason why I ask this is because Kentico provides many useful ready to use features out-the-box, a website could be built in half the time of an MVC build. Just think of the number of web parts Kentico has freely available to use!

    You couldn't justify to a paying client the additional time and cost will create a more scalable website that produces cleaner HTML markup. For smaller websites, an MVC site in Kentico could potentially be viable and any custom controls you do make (such as pagination and login controls) could be rolled out across future sites.

    Nevertheless, I'm hoping to do more MVC in Kentico moving forward.

  • Don't you just hate it when you've created a Document Type in Kentico that is full of data and for some reason you need to rename it. I know I do.

    Even though Kentico does give you the ability to rename your Document Types via its interface, the old table name still exists within the SQL database. This may not bother some developers but this makes me feel damn right dirty.

    I came across an SQL script Matt Lee wrote in his blog, that takes the hassle of renaming the tables manually within a Kentico database.

    Definitely check it out. It has saved me a lot of time.

    Source: SQL Script To Rename A Document Type Table

  • It seems that I have a tendency to blog more about YouTube then any other Social API on this site. So here we go again... This time I want to show how to easily integrate a YouTube CMS Form Control within a Custom Table or Document Type within Kentico.

    As far as I'm aware, Kentico only allows you to insert YouTube markup into their HTML Editable Regions via the CKEditor. But what if you wanted to take things a step further and have the ability to return a video Title, Description and Thumbnail within the comfort of the Form tab?

    YouTube Custom CMS Form Control

    As you can see from my custom form control, a user would paste the URL of a YouTube video and press the "Lookup Video" button that will return basic information about that video, ready for the user to carry out any further copy changes they require.

    So let's get to it.

    Step 1: Create A New User Control

    I have created a user control in "/CMSFormControls/Surinder/" of my Kentico installation. I have named the user control: YouTubeLookup.ascx.


    <table><tbody>	<tr>		<td class="TextColumn">			<label for="<%=YouTubeUrl.ClientID >">URL:</label> <asp:textbox id="YouTubeUrl" runat="server"></asp:textbox> <asp:button cssclass="ContentButton" id="LookupVideoDetail" onclick="LookupVideoDetail_Click" runat="server" text="Lookup Video"> </asp:button></td>	</tr>	<tr>		<td class="TextColumn">			<label for="<%=YouTubeTitle.ClientID >">Title:</label> <asp:textbox id="YouTubeTitle" runat="server" width="500"></asp:textbox></td>	</tr>	<tr>		<td class="TextColumn">			<label for="<%=YouTubeDescription.ClientID >">Description:</label> <asp:textbox height="100" id="YouTubeDescription" runat="server" textmode="MultiLine" width="500"></asp:textbox></td>	</tr>	<tr>		<td class="TextColumn">			<asp:image id="YouTubeThumbnail" runat="server"></asp:image></td>	</tr></tbody>


    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Web.UI;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
    using CMS.FormControls;
    using CMS.GlobalHelper;
    using System.Web.Script.Serialization;
    public partial class CMSFormControls_Surinder_YouTubeLookup : FormEngineUserControl
        private string _jsonValue;
        public override Object Value
                return GetJsonMarkup();
                _jsonValue = System.Convert.ToString(value);
        private string GetJsonMarkup()
            //Pass all user entered form values to the YouTubeDetail class for serialization in the JavaScriptSerializer
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(YouTubeUrl.Text))
                YouTubeDetail yt = new YouTubeDetail();
                yt.ID = YouTubeHelper.GetVideoID(YouTubeUrl.Text);
                yt.Title = YouTubeTitle.Text;
                yt.Description = YouTubeDescription.Text;
                yt.Url = YouTubeUrl.Text;
                yt.ImageUrl = YouTubeThumbnail.ImageUrl;
                JavaScriptSerializer jsSerialize = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                return jsSerialize.Serialize(yt);
                return String.Empty;
        public override bool IsValid()
            JavaScriptSerializer jsSerialize = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            var jsResult = jsSerialize.Deserialize<YoutubeDetail>(_jsonValue);
            if (jsResult != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(jsResult.ToString()))
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(jsResult.Url))
                    return false;
                    return true;
                return true;
        protected void EnsureItems()
        private void PopulateControls()
            JavaScriptSerializer jsSerialize = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            var jsResult = jsSerialize.Deserialize<YoutubeDetail>(_jsonValue);
            //Check there if JSON is present to populate form controls
            if (jsResult != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(jsResult.ToString()))
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(jsResult.Url))
                    YouTubeUrl.Text = jsResult.Url;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(jsResult.Title))
                    YouTubeTitle.Text = jsResult.Title;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(jsResult.Description))
                    YouTubeDescription.Text = jsResult.Description;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(jsResult.ImageUrl))
                    YouTubeThumbnail.ImageUrl = jsResult.ImageUrl;
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
        protected void LookupVideoDetail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //If YouTube URL is present, get the information
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(YouTubeUrl.Text))
                YouTubeDetail yt = YouTubeHelper.GetVideoInformation(YouTubeUrl.Text);
                if (yt != null)
                    YouTubeTitle.Text = yt.Title;
                    YouTubeDescription.Text = yt.Description;
                    YouTubeThumbnail.ImageUrl = yt.ImageUrl;

    From looking at my code, you've probably noticed I'm actively using a "JavaScriptSerializer" to pass all my form values as JSON. I find this is the most straight-forward way to store multiple form values in a custom control. In this case, our values will be stored within a Kentico table column in the following format:

        "Title":"How The Dark Knight Rises Should Have Ended",
        "Description":"Check out HISHE\u0027s spin on the epic conclusion to The Dark Knight Trilogy: How The Dark Knight Rises Should Have Ended.",

    Whenever I need to get those values back, all I need to do is call the JavaScriptSerializer.Deserialize method.

    NOTE: If what I have shown doesn't make any sense, it'll be useful to take a look at an in-depth tutorial on how to create a Custom Form Control in Kentico:

    Step 2: Create YouTubeDetail Class

    In order to serialize and deserialize values when using the JavaScriptSerializer, we need to create a class object with a number of properties to interpret the JSON structure.

    public class YouTubeDetail
        public string ID { get; set; }
        public string Title { get; set; }
        public string Description { get; set; }
        public string Url { get; set; }
        public string ImageUrl { get; set; }

    Step 3: YouTube Methods

    This is the part when we start using Google's YouTube API and in order for this class to work, you will need to download the necessary DLL's. I suggest you take a gander at a post I wrote a while back called "Dynamically Output A List of YouTube Videos In ASP.NET" to get an in-depth introduction into using the YouTube API.

    To get data back from YouTube you will need as a minimum requirement the DLL's and register your application in order to pass an Application Name, Developer Key and Client ID values to your application.

    public class YouTubeHelper
        private static string YouTubeDeveloperKey = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["YouTubeDeveloperKey"].ToString();
        private static string YouTubeAppName = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["YouTubeAppName"].ToString();
        private static string YouTubeClientID = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["YouTubeClientID"].ToString();
        //Get YouTube video
        public static Video YouTubeVideoEntry(string videoID)
            YouTubeRequestSettings settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings(YouTubeAppName, YouTubeClientID, YouTubeDeveloperKey);
            YouTubeRequest request = new YouTubeRequest(settings);
            //Link to the feed we wish to read from
            string feedUrl = String.Format("{0}", videoID);
            Feed<Video> videoFeed = request.Get<Video>(new Uri(feedUrl));
            return videoFeed.Entries.SingleOrDefault();
        //Extract the YouTube ID from the web address.
        public static string GetVideoID(string videoUrl)
            Uri tempUri = new Uri(videoUrl);
            string sQuery = tempUri.Query;
            return System.Web.HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(sQuery).Get("v");
        //Get required YouTube video information
        public static YouTubeDetail GetVideoInformation(string url)
            Video v = YouTubeVideoEntry(GetVideoID(url));
            //Pass required YouTube information to custom class called YouTubeDetail
            YouTubeDetail vDetail = new YouTubeDetail();
            vDetail.ID = v.VideoId;
            vDetail.Title = v.Title;
            vDetail.Description = v.Description;
            vDetail.ImageUrl = v.Thumbnails[2].Url;
            return vDetail;
        //Output YouTube property within a document by passing the Document ID
        public static YouTubeDetail GetDocumentYouTubeValue(int docID)
            TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider();
            TreeNode tn = tree.SelectSingleDocument(docID);
            if (tn.GetValue("YouTube") != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(tn.GetValue("YouTube").ToString()))
                JavaScriptSerializer jsSerialize = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                var jsResult = jsSerialize.Deserialize<YouTubeDetail>(tn.GetValue("YouTube").ToString());
                if (jsResult != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(jsResult.ToString()))
                    return jsResult;
                    return null;
                return null;

    Step 4: Add New Control Into Kentico

    Please refer to the Kentico Development Guide (as referenced in Step 1). The main thing you need to ensure is that the control can only be used as a "Long text" type.

    YouTube Kentico Control Settings

    Step 5: Outputting The YouTube Values To A Page

    Since we have stored all our YouTube fields in a JSON string, we can get those values out by carrying out a deserialization on our document type property.

    if (CMSContext.CurrentDocument.GetStringValue("YouTubeVideo", String.Empty) != String.Empty)
        JavaScriptSerializer jsSerialize = new JavaScriptSerializer();
        YouTubeDetail yt = jsSerialize.Deserialize<YouTubeDetail>(CMSContext.CurrentDocument.GetStringValue("YouTubeVideo", String.Empty));
        YouTubeTitle.Text = yt.Title;
        YouTubeDescription.Text = yt.Description;
        YouTubeUrl.Text = yt.Url;

    You may think I have slightly over-engineered the process to store YouTube video's. But if you have a website that is trying to push video content along with its META data, I believe this is the way to go.

  • Kentico LogoFor many years, I've been a happy BlogEngine user. However, recently my website was starting to expand in a way that wasn't flexible enough for the BlogEngine platform. Don't get me wrong, BlogEngine is a great blogging platform and it is without a doubt one of the best out on the market. But the capabilities and features Kentico provides made moving over to another platform an easy decision.

    The future of my site needed something that would give me free reign and control on making full customisations myself in a solid framework, and Kentico seemed to fit this requirement.

    Having worked with the Kentico platform for quite a few years now, I was impressed by how easy or complex I could make a site. Most importantly, the page perfomance of my site has got quite a boost. For a site that doesn't look like is doing much at face value, it is behind the scenes.

    What was the migration process like?

    Migrating all my BlogEngine content into Kentico did take some time, but the Kentico Import tool really does take the hassle out of getting key blog post information into the CMS. Just don't be expect tags and categories to be imported in the process. Migrating these facets is a manual job.

    In addition, I decided to overhaul the friendly URL's used for my blog posts in keeping with the URL structure provided by BlogEngine. Even to this day, I'm not sold on the way Kentico generates it's friendly URL's for blog posts. For example:


    When it should be the following format:


    Luckily, it was pretty easy to write a Custom Eventhandler to add additional custom URL paths whenever I update or insert a new post (will add a post in the near future on how to do this).

    I still have some additional features to add to this site (and dare I say fixes!) so watch this space...

  • I noticed something very strange whilst working on one of my recent Kentico projects, where I required a query string value to be case-sensitive. You might be asking why? Well the plan was to pass case-sensitive Base64 random value in a ID format. For example:

    So I added a Wildcard URL to one of my pages to keep the URL looking nice and tidy. In this case: “/Home/{ID}”.

    Kentico Document Url Path

    Something with the most simplest of intensions ended up being a bit of a nightmare and to demonstrate what I experienced, see the following test-cases using Kentico’s Wildcard parameter.

    Test 1

    Passing “Hello” to the query string parameter resulted in the following:

    Kentico Wildcard Case 1

    This is the correct outcome.

    Test 2 – Things get interesting!

    Passing “HELLO” to the same query string parameter resulted in the following:

    Kentico Wildcard Case 2

    As you can see, the query string has been cached and resulted in the same value being used. It seems Kentico completely disregards the case sensitivity and it’s only by adding or removing characters that Kentico detects the value passed has changed.


    My understanding is that by default Kentico accepts the URL’s as entered by the website user. I thought by going to CMS Site Manager and changing the URL settings to “Use exactly the URL of the document” would accept case-sensitive lettering .

    Kentico Redirect Valid Urls

    As it turns out through my testing, this setting under “URL's and SEO” section doesn’t fix the issue and this may only work for document page names and not the query strings values themselves.

    For one moment, I thought I managed to find a bug in the Kentico platform and was hoping that I'd get a tree planted bearing my name through Kentico’s brilliant tree for a bug campaign. Alas, this was not the case. After discussing in great detail the problem with emails sent back and forth I couldn't seem to get the support personnel to replicate the issue.

    But if I'm experiencing this issue across different networks, workstations and installations, there must be an underlying problem within the Kentico platform.

    If one of my fellow Kentico experts can can try what I have stated in my post and report their findings in the comments section, it would be much appreciated.

    Who knows, there might be a really simple thing I’ve overlooked.


    Using the standard way of passing a query string value works perfectly and it only seems Kentico Wildcard URL’s  experiences this issue. So instead of using the Wildcard method, you will have to pass values in the following format:
  • I've been playing around with creating multilingual sites in Kentico (version 5.5R2). One of (the many) Kentico strengths is being able to configure an existing site installation to cater for multi-lingual support in a straight-forward manner.

    I came across a perplexing problem when trying to view both of my multilingual sites within the same browser. In my development environment I created two domain aliases and sites in IIS:

    1. Danish –
    2. British –

    As you can see, I differentiate between two of my site cultures by the port number.

    Kentico Domain Aliases

    I could only view one version of the site on both URL’s. This was all due to a cookie that gets created on first site visit and stores the “CMSPreferredCulture” based on the domain name excluding the port number. For those who aren’t aware, “CMSPreferredCulture” simply contains a localisation code for the site. You might be thinking: What’s the big deal?

    Kentico CMSPreferredCulture Cookie

    Well an issue only occurs when you are developing and testing the multi-lingual setup within a local environment and don’t have access to a range of unique domains. I thought that I could use the different port numbers in my environment to distinguish between the different site cultures.

    I was wrong. Kentico only uses the domain name and excludes any port  numbers. If you need to view different culture versions of your site at the same time, you will need to view them in different browsers.

    A small thing like this can cause some bewilderment for a Kentico novice. It sure bewildered me. You would expect to have the ability to view different versions of a site based on the domain aliases setup in Kentico.

    If anyone can suggest a work-around. Please leave a comment.